NeuroFascial Patterning: Assessing Movement


Course Description

Most conditions that lead to musculoskeletal pain tend to be overuse syndromes.  These overuse syndromes can be frustrating to both the patient and clinician.  Many of these overuse syndromes develop because of poor and compensatory movement patterns.

This course instructs 5 movement screens assessing the neuromyofascial network to identify compensatory patterns and areas of altered joint mechanics.  Once the area of dysfunction has been identified, joint specific evaluation techniques are introduced to determine tissue specific impairments designed to guide future treatment. 

This seminar-on-demand is 4 contact hours in length (check your state’s approval status in the state specific course catalog for your profession).

FL MT's: This course is approved for 4 hours in the relevant to and focus on massage therapy techniques (includes demonstration by the instructor) subject area.

Contact Hours: 4
Video Course Format: Video
Target Audience:
Instructional Level: Intermediate BOC Level of Difficulty: Advanced